Listen Again

Staff FAQ

Click on the questions below to expand the answer.

  • What is Listen Again?

  • What will be recorded?

  • How are new rooms added to Listen Again?

  • What happens if I deliver my teaching via Zoom?

  • What happens if I deliver a dual-mode teaching event? [COVID-19]?

  • Why is the University recording teaching?

  • How will the recordings be used?

  • How long does the University keep these recordings?

  • Can a recording be kept for longer than two academic years?

  • What happens to my recordings if I leave the University?

  • What about my rights?

  • What if I choose to opt-out?

  • Can I completely remove a recording from Listen Again?

  • I prefer to let students use their own recording devices

  • What's to stop students uploading Listen Again recordings to the Internet (YouTube, etc.)?

  • How do I get recorded?

  • I want to check my recordings before students have access to them

  • Will this service affect student attendance to my lectures?

  • Can I modify or edit my recordings?

  • How do I publish desktop lectures to the Listen Again service?
    Can I replace a lecture recording with a presentation that I have prepared in advance?
    I have been unable to deliver a lecture, can I replace the recording with something else?

  • The information for my teaching or module is incorrect!

  • How do students access the Listen Again service?

  • Why are there no pictures to the recording?

  • Why do the recordings stop at 50 minutes?

  • I teach for two or more hours, are breaks recorded?

  • One of the recordings is really quiet

  • What should I do if a student asks to not be recorded?